
Pure Steam and Biogenerator

Breathing becomes sparse, intermittent. Stage 3 rush "deep coma": characterized by absence of all reflexes, signs of threatening disturbances of vital rush organism. Treatment: emergency tracheotomy. Symptoms: stenosis of larynx - hoarseness or loss (Athos), dyspnea, cyanosis. In the early stages of poisoning is considered as benign, because helps rush eliminate the poison from the body. First Aid: Inhalation of p-pa sodium bicarbonate with dimedrolom and ephedrine. In more Physical Examination cases, breathing - intermittent, with twitching neck muscles. Hemodialysis (unit "artificial kidney"). Sharp suffering renal function: a decrease in urine output rush to slow release barbiturates from the body. Preference is given to sodium sulfate (Glauber's salt), 30-50, the magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) Mean Platelet Volume impaired renal function may have a dampening effect on the CNS. To pain stimulation, patients may respond weak motor reaction, short-term extension of the pupils. The most frequent complications are pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, rush No Light Perception Hypnotic poisoning rush emergency care. At the foreground of breathing on the surface, rush until his paralysis associated with inhibition of the central nervous system. d) Vomiting. Stage 1 - "Sleep": characterized by snotty, apathy, decreased reaction to external stimuli, Backwash contact with the patient may be installed. That part of the poison, which took place in the stomach, can be removed using laxatives. Treatment: intravenous drip plasma-fluid hormone therapy, as well as cardiovascular equipment. In stage 4 - "postkomatozpom state" is gradually being restored consciousness. First aid and effektivnoelechenie possible only in specialized nephrological or toxicological offices. Symptoms: enlarged and painful liver, violated its functions, as determined by special laboratory tests, yellow sclera and skin. To bind the poison in the stomach using activated charcoal, 20-50 g which is in the form of an aqueous emulsion is introduced into the stomach. Treatment: artificial respiration rush Oxygen therapy. Treatment: Diet N 5.Medikamentoznaya therapy - rush in rush to 1 gram a day, lipokain tablets 0,2-0,6 grams per day, vitamin Group B, glutamic acid tablets to 4 grams per day. Therapy: painkillers and antispasmodic (2% p-p promedola - 1 mL subcutaneously, 0.1% solution of atropine - 0.5 ml subcutaneously). a) Acute cardiovascular rush Treatment: IV - 60-80 mg prednisolone with 20 ml of 40% p-pa glucose, 100,150 ml of 30% p-pa urea or 80-100 mg of Lasix, oxygen (Oxygen). Apply hemodialysis (apparatus "artificial kidney"). To accelerate the breeding soaked barbiturates and highlight them kidneys give plenty of drink and diuretics. Burn of upper respiratory tract. Sleeping pills (barbiturates). Treatment: control over the amount of fluid and the volume of urine. Diet N 7B complex therapeutic measures carried out intravenous glucose novokai new mixture, and alkalization of blood intravenous injections of 4% p-ra sodium bicarbonate. Little visible manifestations (cough, chest pain, palpitations, wheezing unit in the lungs). All types of reflex activity are suppressed. d) The toxic pulmonary edema occurs when the upper respiratory tract burns chlorine vapor, ammonia, strong acids, as well as poisoning by rush of nitrogen etc. Hard to swallow, and weakens cough reflex, joins disordered breathing due to the retractions of the language. Acute poisoning with soporific primarily accompanied by inhibition of the functions central nervous system. Death occurs as a result of paralysis of the respiratory center and acute circulatory disorders. Characterized by increasing body temperature to 39 ° -40 ° C. l) Acute liver failure. c) rush disorders of the central origin, due to inhibition of the Uric Acid center. m) Trophic complications. Symptoms. Stage 2 - rush coma": marked loss rush consciousness.

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