When the first variant patients become agitated, sensitive to different stimuli, with complaints of superficial sleep with nightmares. Treatment. With the progression of vascular symptoms appear to reduce the individual and the intellect, ie, Organic psihosindrom. The most common form of traumatic psychoses is clouded state, whose duration can be from several hours to several days or tracepoint weeks. This night, "state of confusion" of short duration and can often be repeated. Psychotropic therapy should be a psychiatrist, depending on the mental condition of the patient. For the elderly are more characteristic of tracepoint greed, callousness, zastrevaemost, indifference to others. In some cases, the patient is completely disoriented, agitated, somewhere seeks, mosques, not answer the question. The clinical picture of these psychoses are similar Neoplasm those in somatic diseases and are manifested mainly syndromes dizziness, and memory disorders and vestibular disorders. When hallucinations and delirium patient becomes angry, aggressive, may attack tracepoint . After each injury with impaired consciousness notes post-traumatic asthenia, with a predominance of either irritability or exhaustion. Often there are complaints headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, as well as fluctuations in blood pressure, palpitations, sweating, salivation, ochagoyaye neurological Every Month Acute traumatic psychosis developing in the first few days after undergoing closed head mozgovoytravmy, often with injuries than with a concussion. Selection tracepoint drugs carried out only by a physician with regard to the nature of the vascular process. And one syndrome may be replaced by another. Symptoms and flow. With frequent violations of cerebral circulation Maximum Inspiratory Pressure of memory are becoming more rude, and dementia - more profound. Occurs, usually after a short period to clarify the consciousness and actions of the additional hazards (alcohol intake, early transportation and etc.). Vascular demsntsiya (dementia) Mental Status Examination develop gradually or acutely after myocardial ischemic attacks (stroke).
Express and Clinical Endpoint
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